Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Growing Up Seems Hard To Do

Are you tired yet of being afraid? The fear of the unknown also known as anxiety will crippled you to the point of not being able to live a fulfilled life.
After doing some soul searching I have realized we are often our own worst enemy! The decisions in life you’ve made have brought you to this place. If someone forced your hand in those decisions it is now the time for you to GROW UP!

But growing up can often be hard to do. Life is hard, we are constantly going through changes and sometimes those changes are frightening.

Ever since you were born you have been going through change. You were born into a world in which you had to learn to breath, to cry, to walk, to talk. As you got older you began to have to make choices as soon as you were able to discern. That's when growing became a little more challenging. From elementary school too middle school you were sheltered and nurtured for a time in a safe environment (for the most part depending on what school you went to!) By your high school graduation you are elated but you are also facing a whole new life. The same teachers and friends will no longer surround you. In fact some of your friends will go one way and you will go another. That is an essential part of life people come and go. And so do changes pain and happiness. To be afraid or even refuse to grow is to die. This is because change is going to happen, whether you submit to it is up to you.
The mind heart, spirit, and body cannot change without growth. Growth and change go hand and hand. Everything has its season in your life. If growth is essential to life why does it seem so hard? I believe I have discovered one answer to this question, and that is fear of the unknown, fear of failure and the pressure to succeed. What we must realize in order to alleviate growing pain, is that we are going to have to grow to make decisions every step of the way so why grieve over them?
Growing up can be beautiful if you can have the right attitude and perspective. You have no control over the hand you have been given, but you can control your PERSPECTIVE. How will you internalize this new event in your life? Will you become depressed, despondent and despair. Or will you tie up your bootstraps and get ready to do the work. One essential part of growth is FAITH. The belief that no matter what you choose, whether there are consequences or not YOU made the choice. YOU exercised free will and you should be proud of yourself. Take it a step further and understand that GOD is in charge of all things and you will feel even better.
One of the many things that stunt growth is when you become complacent. To become this way is to cripple oneself. In order to evolve into the best being you can be; change is required. The caterpillar cannot remain one way; he must go through a change a physical growth in order to become a butterfly. The same can be said of life. In life changes are physical, spiritual, and mental. Not one of these things is going to stay the same for an entire life span. If they do one’s growth can only be halted.
Go ahead and step out on your own. You will need God, Faith and Yourself to grow. Make the choice to Grow TODAY.

Believe…Live…Grow…... Succeed

Written By Raabia Ahmad COPYRIGHT 2011

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