Tuesday, October 25, 2011

If You Don't Want To Have Patience Than Accept The Medication!

I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am someone who suffers from Depression and Anxiety. It used to be so hard for me to accept or even say, but now I am ready to accept it treat it and move on with my life. One of the most painful aspects of depression and or anxiety is that it can creep up on you in a moment of joy and bring you down so low. Countless times this condition has stolen  precious moments of happiness, confidence and triumph from my life.

I spent a large part of my child hood feeling sad and alone. I never knew why I always felt sad as a child. Why I felt like I never fit in or why I felt so alone. I chalked it up to my father passing away from cancer when I was five. I guess I never really got over it. I thought it was normal to be melancholy, to the point that I began preparing myself for failure. Whenever I wanted something I would tell myself I would never achieve it or that I wasn't good enough.  Low self-esteem led me to compare myself to others; making me feel worse and worse about myself. I wanted to be beautiful and accepted, so I spent alot of time being a class clown.

Only a few people really understood how I felt. Pep talk after pep talk and still I couldn't shed the predisposed ways of my thinking. "Get over it"! A family member would say. "Do you know how blessed you are?" Yes! I would reply, but my mind just wouldn't let me believe it. I knew there was no reason to be depressed things were not that bad in my life. But what do you do when you wake up sad, spend your day sad and go to sleep sad? I have carried the melancholy with me ever since I can remember. How do you revert your mind into accepting happiness when you have programmed it to accept pain, sadness and failure? I always wanted to be happy and content but, like a computer I was programmed.

I have chosen weeks ago to finally let go of my depression and anxiety; and reprogram my mind into thinking positive. I have realized however that I cannot do it on my own. I have been in denial long enough; but am able to realize that God did not put me here to spend every moment in fear or sadness. I have been in denial, prayed to god, gone to therapists, psychiatrists, and now I am ready to embrace my condition.

Unlike Cancer my illness does not always manifest itself in a physical way. You cannot see the hurt I experience unless I show you or tell you. This however does not take away from the serious of this illness. Just like a cancer patient has to accept his or her illness, I have to do the same. I May suffer with this problem my entire life, but I will not let it define me or my actions any more. It is not my God! It will not ruin me! I have made this choice, it will not be easy, it may still be hard. But that is a part of the beauty of the struggle

Now that I have identified the problem, the next step is how to treat it. Since I have been diagnosed with Major Depression and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) the options of course are traditional medicines. These Medications are SSRI inhibitors aka anti-depressants, and anti-anxiety medications. I have gone that route for the past nine months, and though they have helped in some ways, the side effects have far outweighed the good. I do not want to spend another second, minute, hour, or day of my life having suicidal thoughts due to a medication that is supposed to help with depression! (Go Figure!)

Since dealing medically with this illness, I have been  appalled at some of the treatment I have received. Today's visit to a local psychiatrist proved that to me once again. After being told I was in the wrong place and really should not be serviced; I was asked why I had not gone to other places. After explaining that I was in a crisis situation, the psychiatrist decided to “help” me. Her help was in telling me: “You will be on medication for the rest of your life", which translated to me "You will never get well". I felt so dejected! How could someone who works with people who suffer with mental ailments be so callous? I however was not surprised. I have been brushed off blamed for my condition and treated less than inferior before by other doctors in the field of general medicine. Why would I think Mental Hygiene would be any different. How many more signs does Allah need to send me? These people have no concern for my well-being. I decided at that point that I had to make a decision and STICK with it. I would either choose holistic medicine, healing through herbs and natural remedies, or I could choose to take chemically altered drugs that may or may not help my problem. Because these medications may cause very unpleasant side effects; I chose to take the holistic route. I would rather put herbs in my body than drugs. If after this I am still unwell than I will resort to traditional medicine; until then I will put my trust in Allah. I know he can CURE any illness. But I have to believe have faith, and be steadfast.

Allah says in the Quran Chapter Thee (The Family of Imran) Verse 200

This verse has done so much to be a cushion for me on days when I fall. I know one of my weaknesses is patience, but to get through a sickness or any test in life you have to be patient. My new motto for myself is “If you don't want to have patience then you'll be on medication.” What this means to me is, If I am not willing to put in the work and be patient with myself, than I can take the easy way out and that is by taking the medications. But If I can stick in for the long haul and be willing to hang in there, I can make it with my faith and reliance in Allah. And Allah knows best.

Ya Allah Make My Journey one of ease, for you make the difficulty if you wish easy. Make this illness a means of cleansing me of sins! Make me turn to you in times of adversity! Make me use the Quran as a means of healing! Continue to bless me with support of my family and friends Ameen! Let my illness be an inspiration not only to me but to others Ameen!


  1. Salaams sis I thank you for posting this as I also deal with a mental disorder. I too had to deal with Callous Mental Health counselors and alternate ways of healing. But the help of having your lord there is amazing. I never let go of the rope of Allah. I've had my days of wanting to give up and shared in people giving advice that nothing was wrong with me. Dealing with wild side effects that had me everywhere were a worry for me since i knew i wanted to have kids. I pray Allah brings us through this and leads us to people that can and will help us. May we be comforted and stregthened. Sister Ameenah

  2. Wa alaikum salaam ukhti! You welcome! Subhanallah there are so may sisters who I meet on a daily basis who are dealing with mental issues, due to stress, external or internal issues, or even certain aspects of their health that can lead to these illnesses. What you said is so true! At the end of the day all you really have is your faith and hope in Allah and his mercy. We must know that Allah will provide the way out, we may be tested but he tells us the ease is coming. We just have to believe and sometimes that's really hard especially when you are suffering. Ameen to your dua sis. I am hoping that my struggle, your struggle, and the struggle of other sisters will be the beginnings of change. I pray that we can support each other because we share the same experiences and are sisters in faith. May Allah give you ease in your difficulty sis, and May he heal you and forgive you of your sins Ameen! Luv you sis!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As salaamu alaikum sis--- you already know that very recently I was diagnosed with GAD and have found myself taking the meds on an as needed basis. It is very scary to have that feeling of helplessness and impending doom, so the mind says "take the pill". I am beginning to beleive that a placebo pill may have the same effect--i truly beleive in mind over matter ---Once we can gain control over our thoughts by changing them to positive safe places it makes it much easier. I can remember many times where i felt as if i was going to faint and simple mind changes prevented the fainting and brought me ease. May Allah make it easy for all of us and allow us to get to the root of our illness through reflection and meditation instead of deflection and medication. Support means so much but DUA really is the best weapon- we just have to train ourselves by using it often and frequently--- I love you for Allah's pleasure and it has truly been a blessing meeting you <3

  5. Ameen!

    As Salaau Alaiku sis,

    Allah is truly the Benificent, Merciful, and All Wise! It just so happen that I was crusing facebook and found your post in the Muslimah group. Reading your blog, makes me wonder, Is this how my mother felt 22 years ago? My mom was diagnosed with shcitzophrenia/ depression, and anxiety. For years, she rebelled against taking her medication. But after multiple breakdownss and hospitaliztions, she finally submitted to "the man" and has been taking multiple medications ever since. I support the holistic route because I have seen how the side effects of meds can be serious and dangerous!

    This coment is not to be glum! My mother was/is a fantastic person. Her family was the best medication she ever had! Taking care of me, my brother and my father kept up her spirits and helped her cope. I only wish she could have had Islam in those dark moments, but ALLahu Alim!

    Anyway, Keep up the positivity! Go holistic. Eat lots of sprouted and fermented foods! Go to dherbs.com and take notes, inshaAllah. I love you for the sake of Allah and I pray your journey is joyous and guided by Allah! Amin.

    Check out my blog when you have the chance :-)

  6. Wa Alaikumsalam Khadijah! What you said is what I needed to hear! Today was a rough day stuck in my thoughts, I realize it's going to take alot of patience in order to not deflect to medication. Today I had an anxiety attack over feeling like an inadequate parent that one thought took me so far into depressing thoughts, that when i got to my son's school to drop him off I was a mess. Just to show you that Allah is truly kind and merciful I went in to speak with my son's guidance counselor about programs he could be apart of since I know it's rough dealing with what I am going through. She sat down with me and we talked for about 30 mins, and she just made me feel so at ease. She told me that often we blow things out of proportion and worry about things that we really don't need to feel fear or worry about. Basically she told me God God This Girl! Your worrying yourself to death and being very hard on yourself. I walked out of there feeling so good alhamdullilah. Everytime I get to that point when I just feel like this is so hard, I don't think I'll ever be happy , im tired of this, I just let myself feel that way until it goes away. I tell myself your going to sit with this feeling and your not going to let it break you. No matter how bad it feels sometimes i know it's going to go away. Nothing lasts for ever. What you said about dua sis is very true Allah has shown me time and time again that, all I have to do is ask and he is there. Ameen Ameen Ameen to your dua, May he make our struggles a means of purification for our sin's and may he make us a means of support for other's dealing with what we are dealing with. Ameen!

  7. Sis thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I can only imagine how your mother must have felt, and how it must have been for your family. Mental Illness is so difficult because it dosen't just affect the person but often their ability to take care of their family. I am where your mother is when it comes to meds. I am sick of them! The anti-anxiety med that I on which is supposed to be an "as needed" drug as now an "always needed" drug. I have tried many times to wean myself off, of it because I want to try some other remedies as the side effects of the drug are very annoying and painful. The times that I weaned down to half of a tablet the rapid thoughts become unbearable it's like a broken record playing over and over. It only goes away when i go back to the regular dose or up it. It's very frustrating because sometimes it makes me thing maybe i really do need to be on something stronger, and then other times im like its this darn medicine making me feel like this. Even though I always suffered with depression and anxiety it never got this bad. Until I started taking meds. What you said about your mother finally submitting to the meds is what happened to me. It also scares me too sometimes. Though I am all for the holistic route, on those really bad days, im like maybe i should just take the meds if it will make me function better if it will make these thoughts go away. The other day I saw a psychiatrist who was terrible by the way. But she wrote me a script for zoloft which is what i picked over prozac, because prozac just sounded like horror to me lol! I got home and I was like im tired of feeling like this, I don't want my family to suffer anymore Im going to just take it. Before I did though I wanted to do some research on the drug, because I knew if the side affects were worse than Celexa the anti-depressant I was just recently on I wouldn't want to take it. Well after reading the side affects which include heightened nervousness, profuse sweating, some of the symptoms you already have when dealing with anxiety I was like uh-uh im not putting myself through this again. I felt so anxious! I was like what do I do. I don't want to take the meds and I don't want to suffer, I want to go holistic, but I dont know if it will work for sure. I said that's it, im taking it to Allah and not only taking it to him but being firm in my decision as is stated when you consult with Allah. You consult the believers after that and then make your decision and stay firm with it. Every day I take Ativan is a reminder to me what meds can do. I started taking St.Johns wort it's a start and I am on my way to NYC inshallah tonight to pick up an herbal remedy my grandmother found out about through a friend who gave it someone who had severe anxiety and who is doing just fine now. Im praying it will work inshallah! Sis I pray Allah guides your mother to Islam and that he makes it easy on you and your family. Again thank you so much for sharing it really made me think. I would love If you could join our group Sisters Sheltering Sisters It's my facebook group. Thank you so much for reading sis!

  8. And thank you so much for the website Muslim Mommy I am so excited I already see alot of stuff im thinking about trying Im going to share it in my group as well Shukran May Allah Bless You!
